Thursday, March 15, 2007

Birthday Cake - Angie The Choice

This was taken some time ago. One day before a meeting, a few of asked the birthday girls to quickly come for a discussion. Well, it's a surprise and super quick celebration for the 2 of them.

Here's the cake. It was very very very chocolately and fluffy and so so delicious.
The cake's from Angie the Choice.

The whole cake in its full glory.

A look at the inside of the cake. Feel like tasting it? Mua ha ha ha....

This is simply lickalicious! The chocolate outer layer of the cake.

Happy Birthday to Jennifer and Adeline again!

For your convenience, I have included a google search box here. If you are interested to look for this cake shop, enter "Angie The Choice" in the search box and do a google search.

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