Thursday, March 8, 2007

TCC - The Coffee Connoisseur

TCC is a popular place for many to have coffee / drinks. I am not a coffee drinker so I shall not comment on coffee. But I am sure it's good.

If you are wondering what TCC stands for, their serviettes have some suggestions for you :-)

We were there quite some ago (around 8 weeks ago?), I dug out these old photos.
The cheesecake. I think its Oreo if I am not mistaken. My memory's not that good, thats why I blog food photos. haha...

This is the tiramisu.

This is some apple smoothy thingy I had. How innovative yah? That's not jelly! It's some preserved food that's been turned around. It's something bigger than a cherry. They stuck some mint leaves over at the bottom and turn it over.

Have a good weekend.

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