Sunday, February 25, 2007

NUSS Guild House: CNY Lunch 3

Continuation from yesterday.

This is Stir Fried Lobster Meat with Crab Roe in Egg White Sauce on Farmers Green.

If you think the dish name is a mouthful, well, it's asparagus with some sauce. haha..

Hong Kong Noodles (but we're in Singapore leh... haha)

Chilled Sweetened Eight Treasure with Fungus Soup. (we think sugar must be on sale!)

The End. That's one of the many CNY makans we had. The rest of it, I did not have it in Singapore, so not appropriate to put in Singapore Food Blog. haha.. Tell u, they are much tastier! All home cooked by mum and aunties. oooo....

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