Hands up those who love ice cream!Hands up those who love New Zealand Natural!Hands up those who want to get some free New Zealand Natural ice cream!I remember when I was much younger and was studying for my undergraduate studies in Melbourne, I will be having New Zealand Natural's ice cream cone every other week after church at the Melbourne Central kiosk! It was like a little treat after a whole week of boring repetitive hostel food!
Saving pocket money just for ice cream! Be it winter or summer, having the New Zealand Natural ice cream with friends was one of the happy moments! After ice cream on a Sunday afternoon it will be back to hitting the books! (Ah.. those were the days...)
Now back in Singapore, I live in the western side of Singapore and New Zealand Natural outlets in Singapore seems to be all located in Central or East side of Singapore. It has not been really convenient for me to get my fix, unless I happen to be at Paragon, HarbourFront Centre or Sentosa.
Good news! Did you know that from July 2011, New Zealand Natural factory packed 473ml tubs are now available island wide at over 50 distribution points? You can now get them at Cold Storage supermarkets all over Singapore! They retail for $12 plus depending on the branch and discounts offered.

I like walking around supermarkets as a form of exercise to burn calories. I happen to snap this photo earlier this month when I saw the premium ice cream on sale. This was taken at Cold Storage Albert Park, now the nearest New Zealand Natural 'outlet' from my home ;-)

Some of you know, I like to roam around this tiny island, and I happened to walk into a Cold Storage at Kallang Leisure Park last week and I see they were there too!

The good PR folks of New Zealand Natural delivered 6 tubs of their Premium Ice Cream to my house for a taste test. After dinner on a week night tlast week, I had 6 tasters tell me what they like about the ice cream they just tasted.
The tasters consists of 3 thirty plus year olds, 1 forty plus year old and 2 fifty plus year old. My younger crowd could not make it!

There were 6 flavours to taste and I was told these are the 6 most popular New Zealand Natural flavours. They are available at all Cold Storage supermarkets in Singapore.
After tasting all 6 flavours, everyone seemed to have picked their own favourite! These folks can really compare and compare it with the different brands from different countries. But I am not looking for a comparison. They are many nice ice cream brands out there.
I just want to tell me what they liked about the flavours. It would be easier to them too (and also for me!)

Let's start with Chocolate Ecstasy and Hokey Pokey.
If you are wondering what is Hokey Pokey, that's a very New Zealand flavour. If you are in New Zealand, you can get this flavour almost everywhere ice cream is sold! My sis was New Zealand around 2 years ago for 3 months of work-exchange and she said she tried so many kinds of hokey pokey there. It's basically vanilla ice cream with small bits or lumps of solid or soft toffee. 
Opening the Chocolate Ecstasy. Covers off and we all can't wait to dig in!

Chocolate Ecstasy:
- Really smooth taste in the mouth.
- Full body chocolate flavoured.
- Slight bitter aftertaste of chocolate.
- Not too sweet.
It seems this tub of ice cream finished the fastest!

Hokey Pokey:
- Smooth and creamy
- Slight oily after taste
- Milky
- Butterscotch bits was visible and nice
- Reminds of New Zealand (according to sis)

The next two flavours, Forestberry and Mango,
Forestberry is frozen yoghurt and Mango is the sorbet range.

- a taste of it and you like it's frozen yoghurt.
- fruity sourish flavour
- refreshing (esp in hot Singapore weather)
- no chemical taste
- taste healthy
It has probiotic cultures in it by the way.

- it has a bubbly taste. (you can see bubble above?)
- it melts too fast
(note: A week before, these tasters I have had been eating lots of fresh Taiwanese mango and another brand of Mango Sorbet from Europe, so everyone was comparing it to fresh mango and also the other brand. So it's a bit lop sided, they said they like fresh mangoes! They are not giving me answers for this flavour. )
The next two flavours, Classic Vanilla and Cookies & Cream.
I think these are flavours that most people like. My taste panels loved them!

Classic Vanilla:
- everyone said they could see the vanilla pods
- definitely not the artificial vanilla taste but a nice real vanilla fragrance to it.
- the smoothest texture of all the ice cream
- doesn't taste of too much milk.

Cookies and Cream:
- Not too sweet
- Chunks of cookies
- "Kiam Kiam Tee Tee" (slight sweet and salty taste)
It seems my two 50+ year old tasters loved this the best! They don't like like too sweet stuff and they said the slight salty is what they like.
It was an interesting tasting session. The tasters had different opinions. They would prefer the yoghurt to be more sour. Some hope that dark chocolates were used. So I just asked them what they liked about the ice cream.
Just in case you don't know why people love New Zealand Natural Ice Cream:
New Zealand Natural ice cream contains only the freshest, best quality ingredients available and is made with fresh dairy cream from cows that feed on the green unpolluted pastures of New Zealand. Contest:How about winning yourself a tub of ice cream? The folks of New Zealand Natural will be giving away 6 tubs of each flavour.
It's very easy to win it. Here is how:
- "Like" the New Zealand Natural Facebook page.
- Post on the comment section, Which flavour of ice cream / sorbet / frozen yoghurt from New Zealand Natural do you like best from the 6 flavours above? Why do you like the flavour and do you prefer your ice cream in a cone or a cup?
- Post your answer on the comments here with your 'unique nickname' e.g. IScreamForNZN
- To ensure your privacy, email me your nickname, real name and contact number to keropokman@gmail.com with the subject "New Zealand Natural Contest".
Contest end this Friday, 22 July 2011.
The best answers for each flavour will win the a tub of New Zealand Natural Premium Ice Cream. There are 6 tubs to be given away. If you are the winner, I will email you back and ask for your NRIC number. You will have to head down to New Zealand Ice Cream at Paragon to collect your ice cream with your ID.