Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Crystal Jade Dining In - Beef with Mushroom

This is a new restaurnat in Vivo City. If you enjoy chinese fine dining, you should visit this place. The food's superb, their concept is on 'fresh, healthy and nutritious'. The presentation is excellent too!

Crystal Jade Dining In - Beef with Mushroom

The beef is medium done and the different mushroom complements the dish so nicely.

For this first post on this series, maybe I should show something extra and some tips as well.

Look at the plate and bowl. Very zen.

If you have never been a place with displays 2 pairs of chopsticks. Just to let you know, the black pair is for you to take food from the main plates. The silver pair is for you to eat with. ie put food in your mouth. Now you know :-)

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