Wednesday, January 24, 2007

ABC Market: Fatty Cheong

You know I have been itching and chinese believe you should not be eating things that is considered 'tok' (in hokkien). Which can be loosely translated as poisonous. But but but.. colleagues decided let's go have Duck at ABC Market today!

Of course I was tempted. So off I go...

Here's ABC Market. (See this other blog to know why it's ABC)

Then here it is. Fatty Cheong. Colleagues discovered it by reading another food blog. Realised that the ducky here taste better than Tiong Bahru's!

There were 4 of us. Ordered half a duck.

And also Roast Pork and Crispy Pork.

More pix of the pork.

Guess what, I only ate the pork and veg. I was so disciplined that I did not touch the duck! And also the wonton soup (which had prawns another 'tok' food to avoid).

My rashes are 90% gone. I am on the road to recovery and back to normal makan soon I hope.

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