Thursday, September 1, 2011

Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream Mooncakes

How can you resist anything ice cream? You all should know I am a sucker for all things ice cream! It's the time of the year where you can get Häagen-Dazs ice cream in the form of mooncakes again.

I remember my first Häagen-Daz ice cream mooncake was eaten about 10 years ago! The very first time I wanted to buy it, it was sold out! So I got it the next year!

On Tuesday night, sis and I did something 'naughty', we met up after work to enjoy two ice cream mooncakes before going home for mum's home cooked dinner! Shh, we did not tell mum about it! We still ate dinner as usual after we got home. Someone told me, it's good to be adults eh? Having ice cream before dinner!

You most probably have been tempted by the brochures of these mooncakes. We have tasted it and taken real photos of it. Here's how it looks, the real deal. We had it at the Holland Village branch.

You can either bring it home or dine-in. We chose to dine-in.
There are 4 flavours: Chocolate & Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Strawberry and Coffee & Macadamia Nut.

Haagen Dazs Mooncakes

This was the Strawberry Ice Cream Mooncake. We chose it because it's pink! Bright and cheerful.

Haagen Dazs Mooncakes

Pardon my cutting poor cutting. It was really hard frozen!

The outer layer is white chocolate with strawberry paste. Inside, there's strawberry ice cream with bits of strawberries in it. It's a little sweetish and sourish at the same time, how real strawberries ice cream should taste. The yolk centre was a ball of mango sorbet. There was also biscuit like base that's slighty salty. A nice combi of taste in your mouth.

Sis preferred this to the chocolate. She thinks the mango and strawberry is both fruity so it goes better than the chocolate one we had.

Haagen Dazs Mooncakes

This was the Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream Mooncake.
It's rock hard frozen as you can see. Ice particles were forming!

Haagen Dazs Mooncakes

Here's how it looks inside. The outer was a coating of dark chocolate. Inside it was mostly chocolate ice cream, with the bottom layer vanilla ice cream. The centre was a ball of mango sorbet.

I like the sweetish mix of vanilla and chocolate ice cream. The slightly sweetish and sourish mango sorbet gives it a slightly different taste just like how salted eggs in usual baked mooncakes gives it a different taste.

Sis thinks other wise. She said it's ice cream, and she would have preferred something more similar. I think it's nice. I might be bias because I like all things ice cream and chocolate!

Well, what do you think? Which camp are you on?
Head down to the nearest Häagen-Dazs outlet near you from now till 12 September 2011 to try it.

The prices:
  • Each of the above costs $18.

  • There are also gift sets on sale. A set of 4 pieces costs $58+ (Classic Gift Set). A set of 2 pieces costs $32+ (Petite Gift Set).

  • There are also Dine-In Creations that are nicely plated mooncakes with fruits or other scoops of ice cream. Those costs either $18++ or $20++

The above that we had was the Petite Gift Set that we chose to dine in.
The ice cream was courtesy of a voucher that we redeemed.

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