Friday, December 22, 2006

Sarawak Kolo Mee

Yesterday, our colleague was somewhere in Jurong East, and asked if we wanted to eat Sarawak Kolo Mee, he will 'ta pow' for us.

Of course we want to try. Kolo Mee is like a seasonal fad now. Everywhere there are Sarawak Laksa and Sarawak Kolo Mee stalls popping out.

This is the Jurong East stall, near the POSB. We have a resident Sarawakian in our office who can tell the authenticity of the food. He says this one taste authentic enough.

This is how it looks before the package is open.

To us, it taste quite good. But the next few hours, we were drinking lots of water. You get the hint! haha... But it's good. Similar to the ones I tried in Kuching.

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