Thursday, May 17, 2007

Keng Eng Kee Seafood : Colleague's Back from Maternity Makan...

I work with a bunch of fabulous colleauges. Any occasion we can think of, we will "hey, that calls for a celebration, let's go eat".

Our dear colleague just came back from maternity leave, of course we go makan lah...
Some place not too far away, and definitely not too near. So we ended up here.

We ordered a 4 item cold dish.

Wanted something with "chai por" (pickled radish), so "lao ban niang" suggested this. Chai Por Tofu.

The happy mum wanted to eat Sweet and Sour Fish, so here it is.

Ordered also Marmite Chicken

The Duck Gang in our group wanted duck, so this is the sea cucumber and duck in claypot.

Of course must order veggies, so here it is.

Wonder, what's the next occasion for celebration. haha...

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