Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wedding Dinner @ Raffles the Plaza (Part 2)

Con't from yesterday.

Part 2 of the menu, or the lower part.

We were each served an abalone. Hmmm we wonder if we give angpow money or not? haha...

Braised Baby Abalone with Tianjin Cabbage in XO Oyster Sauce.
For me personally, I like the cabbage more! I am not an abalone eater.

Next was Steamed Live Dark Groupa in Supreme Sauce. I like fish!

Next Stir fried Bailing Mushroom with Capsicum and Waterchestnuts served in Yam Ring.

Then it was Stewed Ee-Fu Noodles with Shredded Abalone and Beansprouts.
I always like Ee-Fu noodles. Yummmmy!

For those who stayed back till the end, they get to enjoy:
Hot Sweetened Glutinous Rice Balls with Dates and Gingko Nuts, Lotus Seeds.

That ends the dinner. Pardon the blur pictures again, it was like snap snap quickly, walk to next table chat with friends, etc. It was a good meet up nite, and congratulations too to the Wedding Couple.

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