Saturday, June 2, 2007

Lao Bei Jing @ Plaza Singapura : Dinner with Aunt from London

Our aunt visited from London. We went to many places to eat. This was our last meal together before she flew back to London.

I think I have posted this before, we went to Lao Beijing at Plaza Singapura.

Beijing style Aubergines / Brinjals.

This is yummy. I think all fried food taste good, if they are not soaked with oil.
This is scallops and seafood fritters. It looks like banana fritters yah?

How it looks, one piece, stack on top of each other.

Sorry, this picture is so blur. This is stir fried lamb with leek. Very good, does not smell of lamb at all!

This I think is beef. Haha.. I forgot!

This is tofu and mushroom. Tofu's nice....

This is something that I think you can only get it here. This is fish maw together with egg whites.

This is the Xiao Long Bao. I think this website has overdose of XLB! haha..

Desserts was Red Bean Jien Ping.

Look at the red bean oozing out...

What's for dinner tonite? Hmmmm

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