Sunday, July 15, 2007

Riverside Indonesian Restaurant @ Riverside Point

Last nite went for the monthly makan thingy again with friends. This month there's two birthday persons. One could not make it last minute. Happy Birthday Kevin and Eileen!

Anyway, we decided why not try the Riverside Indonesian Restaurant. All of us think it's actually quite nice, we ate till we want no more!

By the way, the same restaurant has a stall at the Kopitiam at Plaza Singapura.

So, here are some photos of the makan...
There's so many things to choose, so we just ordered a set thingy, where we get to pick a few dishes.

The early people were drinking tiger when we arrived.

The Ayam Panggang arrived first. I like it!

Since we had so many people, it came in a few plates.

Sambal Kangkong was next.

Tauhu Goreng quickly followed. I like this very much as inside, there's egg that the yolk part was still runny! I love my egg yokes like that!

Tomorrow, show you all more ya...

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