Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Adam Road Food Centre: Nasi Singapura House of Lontong

It has been a long long time since colleagues and I went to Adam Road Food Centre. We went there today, and aiyoyo! we just head straight to the same shop!

It's like program liao, we always go there to eat the same thing!

We always head to this shop.

I ordered the same old thingy!
Ayam Merah, Kobis (cabbage) and Sambal Goreng.

Just look at the huge plate! OK, it's a bit dearer, it's $4, but absolutely delicious.
It's quarter a chicken btw.

A close up for you. If you like Sambal Goreng, you know that not every place have enough tempeh.

Suddenly, feel like eating the River Valley Nasi Padang now! haha....

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