Sunday, April 22, 2007

Coffee Club @ Holland Village - desserts after lunch...

If you have been following this blog, you must have realized we come here often. Colleagues and I will always end up here after treating the birthday person to a birthday lunch.

We sat down and realised, we have tasted every single dessert on the menu! (except the fruit fondue) These are the few that we ate this time, those that we have eaten, not showing it here anymore. (We usually order 2 or 3 mudpies! This time only 1)

This is Hazelnut Nougat Parfait. Absolutely delicious!

Chocolate Enchantment. Oooo. This is very very good!

Birthday girl's cappucino.

Someone's coffee.

My shake. Err I actually forgot what flavour it was now. oops..

There you go, this time only 5 of us. Boss also could not make it.

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